Debt Recovery
The Debt collection unit is a key support unit in the Division. Recovery of Debts is an area of particular concern in the business world. In view of constraints in the court systems and realizing that our primary objective is to deliver tangible results to our clients we set up the unit to beef up recovery. The unit has added to the recovery rate in unsecured debts in particular with Credit Card Companies, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, and Banks. Its methodology of personal visits, investigations and persistent follow up of debtors has not only increased recovery and turnaround but has also has been useful in gathering intelligence on debtors unavailable to traditional methods of just sending demand letters. This information is useful in service of summons and attachment where suit is inevitable but also enables a client to write off debts where recovery is unlikely thus ensuring a client does not throw good money after bad. The Debt Collection Unit is manned by experienced debt collectors/investigators with wide experience in Investigations and tracing. The debt collectors’ previous experience coupled with public relations and customer care training make them a powerful force in recovery of debt. The Unit supplements and compliments court action and has greatly increased both turnaround and recovery rates.